What I mean is do you ache (especially in the cold), feel tired, or you just cant seem to get that energy back?
Is this you?
Well, I got to thinking about this morning, as I used to wake up with a lot of pain! You know that unbearable ache, shivers, and I would hit the snooze over and over)……
Wow, it has really been such a long time since I felt that way….
Most of you here know me quite well, and know that my journey has been long and hard, but I arose to the challenge and I am now living this true being of myself that doesn’t feel pain all the time, & I don’t even cold! (That Sucked) Hell, I shovelled for 4 hours the other day with my (soon to be) husband & didn’t feel cold once. Furthermore, I have brought my body back into a harmony where my energy has come back, I look and feel younger (I am 38 by the way), but feeling 20!
I am telling you all this because over these past few days as I have been going though my business online here, and I have decided to shift the purpose of this group.
This group will now be centred around providing tips and strategies one can use (that I have used myself and IS working in my life right now) that will provide help for you and any pain you may be experiencing!
In NO WAY am I a doctor or should you use my suggestions as such. But, these are helpful tools that I used in my own life, my clients life & over time, these strategies are proving extremely helpful and we all seem to be getting benefit!
I want you all to know that I committed to providing the most recent knowledge in science and spirituality to bring the very best into this group.
I am constantly learning new knowledge, and will in fact be going away for a week for more Thai training soon. Im excited for the new year as I plan to take Yoga Instruction to hopes to create custom care plans that are built for you!
It is my experience with my time in my treatment room that people really are suffering with chronic pain and its even more prevalent now because there’s so much stress out there and the media is constantly placing more fear on us everyday.
Stress causes our immune system to not work well, we secrete a hormone called cortisol that can build up in the system and eventually cause us to feel “chronic stress”. Some of us have been here, I know I was.
This is a group where I will invite my clients, friends, colleagues to bring their energy into, and please message if there are any questions. I’ll be posting more video’s soon & so much more!
So with that I hope we all have beautiful day! I believe that this is what my true purpose is. I have stumbled upon techniques, methods, and strategies that are working for so many, we need to share and share and share, until we all can be healed.
Now is the time to bring it on large scale.
Best Wishes
Love & Light
Kimberly Regier